It’s hard not to despair of the world we are living in.
Some days the weight of it almost crushes me. The darkness of it so overwhelming, the needs so relentless, so vast. So much pain, so much suffering, so much loss—how are we mere mortals to endure it?
The answer is found in Hebrews 13:14, (NLT): “For this world is not our permanent home, we are looking forward to a home yet to come.”
We can endure it because this is not our true home. There is a place yet to come, where all things will be made new. Where the wrongs will be righted, the losses restored, and the tears wiped from our eyes. A place where a table has already been prepared, a room made ready.
This is Home. The place that our hearts cry out to and our souls long to be. The place where we will finally look upon our King, and everything will be as it should be.
Until then, we wait. We endure. And in fixing our eyes heavenward we also see Him here. God’s handprint on the whole of creation—every breathtaking sunrise, every majestic mountain, every living, breathing creature fearfully and wonderfully made, reflecting His glory. We see Him in the everyday miracles, in every act of kindness, big or small, in every good thing that comes from the very worst. He is here with us now, in the darkness. And His goodness gives us hope. Hope to endure.
If you’re struggling today, friend, fix your eyes heavenward—and keep walking. There may be much left to endure, but the best is yet to come.