As we prepare ourselves to walk into the challenges and uncertainties of a new week, into a world that is very different from the only one we have ever known, there is much more I wish I could say about this beautiful verse. But since it’s already late, and this exhausted mama needs to get some rest, for now I will say only this:
No matter what tomorrow brings—worrisome headlines, dire statistics, the threat of further containment measures and disruption—we, as children of God, can hold onto hope.
When it all gets too much to handle, hold onto hope.
When the fear threatens to overwhelm, hold onto hope.
When life as you know it seems to be spiraling out of control, and you cannot see an end in sight, hold onto hope.
When the loss is just too devastating, the enemy too powerful, and you wonder if you have the strength to carry on, hold onto hope.
For this hope is an anchor for our souls, firm and secure (Hebrews. 6:19). It is a gift. It is a lifeline.
So let this verse carry you through this week, weary ones. Let it be your mantra, your weapon against the darkness. Let it be your song.
There is much we cannot do, but we CAN hold onto hope, for He IS faithful. We CAN trust in His promises, knowing that whatever we face tomorrow, He WILL walk with us through it.