Today was a struggle. After a contentious and challenging afternoon with the kids and a bedtime fraught with tears, I felt wearied to the bone. Physically, emotionally, and even spiritually spent, I had no words left to even pray. And then a song floated into my head—a song I had not heard in years. A song that, nevertheless, He had placed in my heart, a melody to sing to my King when I needed it the most.
“Faithful one, so unchanging.
Ageless one, You’re my Rock of peace.
Lord of all I depend on You.
I call out to You, again and again.
I call out to You, again and again.
You are my Rock in times of trouble.
You lift me up when I fall down.
All through the storm,
Your love is, the anchor.
My hope is in You alone.”
The words sprang from a well deep in my soul, praise from a place of utter lack. Words that reflected exactly what my heart needed to hear in that moment, and offer back to Him in worship.
The beautiful thing is that God doesn’t require eloquence or deep theological prayers. He simply wants willingness—willingness to come before Him, battered and broken, with nothing whatsoever to offer except ourselves. And as we do so, He turns His head toward us and hears the deep cries of our hearts. He pull us out of the deep mud and mire and sets our feet upon a solid rock so we can stand secure. And He puts a new song in our mouths, a hymn of praise to our God (Psalm 40:1-3, paraphrased).
What song is God putting on your heart today? Sing it to your King. 🎵