The words blared out from the car radio as I ran a few errands around town. It may have been the VeggieTales version but don’t you think for a minute that God can’t speak through screechy, singing vegetables.
“Your grace is enough.
Your grace is enough.
Your grace is enough.
For me.”
Believe me when I tell you I believe this. My mind recognizes this as Truth. And yet, somewhere deep inside, doubt still lingers. Somewhere deep inside, a little voice whispers: “Are you sure?”
The last several months have been a monumental challenge for so many of us moms. Having children around 24/7 while trying to do, well almost anything, has been an uphill battle. We are worn out, stretched thin, doing our best to fight all the fires and do all the things. And as patience wears thin and balls get dropped one by one, our failings are overwhelmingly evident.
“I’m not a good mom.”
“I’m not on top of things.”
“I’m not able to do this”
“I’ve made so many mistakes.”
“I’ve let people down.”
“I’m not enough.”
Sound familiar? I’m sure you have your own that you could add to the mix too. But here’s the thing ladies, it doesn’t end here, in this negative thought spiral. There is a place that we can take these thoughts—and it’s right at the feet of Jesus.
He takes each one and instead of using them to condemn us, to berate us, to question our worth; He responds with grace. So. Much. Grace.
He knows we’re not perfect. He knows we’re not superhuman (even if we don’t). He knows because He created us and delighted over our wonderfully weak and imperfect selves. He knows and yet He still chose to go to the cross.
And so, we can stand on the promise that no matter how we’re feeling, no matter how we’re doing, or what we’ve already done, His grace IS enough. When we feel unworthy, ashamed, incapable, and insufficient—when we feel human—He will meet the need, He will stand in the gap for us, He will cover us with His grace.
You were never designed to do it all. In these crazy, overwhelming times sisters, give yourself the gift of grace. He already has.
“But God said to him, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).