The voice of God is powerful and majestic.
The voice of God is still and small.
The voice of God thunders with fire and hail.
The voice of God sings over us with love.
The voice of God speaks the earth into existence.
The voice of God cries in a stable in the body of a newborn babe.
The God of all creation and the God of all comfort.
Holy and helpless.
Majestic and merciful.
Ruler and Redeemer
Sovereign and Son.
It is the greatest oxymoron. The most wonderful mystery.
That God on high would willingly bring Himself low—for us.
“I am the high and holy God, who lives forever. I live in a high and holy place, but I also live with people who are humble and repentant, so that I can restore their confidence and hope” (Isaiah 57:15).
He loves us so much that He refuses to leave us struggling in the pit of our sin. He reaches down. He pulls us up. He made a way. He gave us Jesus.
And because of Him, we can once again hear the Father’s voice.